590 Feuz Road
Rotterdam, NY 12306

Tel:  518.356.7273


"Promoting safe participation in the firearms, archery and the shooting sports since 1924"

Send all correspondence to:

590 Feuz Rd

​Schenectady NY  12306

For questions about membership or for a current member to change contact information, please e-mail


The website is for reference only. The content is subject to change. Club Rules and Calendar of Events are posted at the Club. E-mail the webmaster if there are any corrections to be made to the website.



will begin Wednesday May 7th


morning shoot: 7-10am

afternoon shoot 3-7pm

(no shoot 4th of July week)

Schedule & Location: Scoring is based on 15 shoots starting in May and ending in August.  In 2025 all shoots will be held at Iroquois Rod and Gun Club. For 2024, the first shoot will be held on Wednesday, May 7th and subsequently there is a shoot every week thereafter. There is no shoot during 4th of July week.

Competitors can shoot (sign in) on Wednesdays between 7 and 10AM or between 3 and 7PM.

There is no requirement to belong to Iroquois or any other club. All shooters are welcome.

Each shoot is $7 for adults. Lower rates, or no charge, are charged for children.

Targets: At each shoot, competitors walk a trail course and shoot at 14 paper, animal silhouette targets. The targets have “kill” and “wound” zones.   The targets are set at varying distances ranging from 2 to 50 yards with the distance from the shooting spot to the target identified. The size of the target increases with shooting distance. For example, the shortest distance target may be a crow or squirrel and the longest distance a bear or moose. There are “cub” and hunter” distances for youngsters and adults.

The shooter can shoot up to three arrows at each target to score. Kill hits are worth more than wounds and scores diminish with increasing arrows. The small “dot” located in the “kill” zone of each target counts as a “bonus” point if hit with the first arrow. Compound, recurve or long bow are permitted. No crossbows are allowed.

At the end of the regular 15 shoots there may also be an optional money winning “hi-lo shoot” and there may also be a league end banquet in September. Having a banquet and hi-lo shoot for 2024 has not yet been determined.

Scoring: Individual scores are kept. For 2024 team scores will also be kept. Teams will consist of 4 shooters. Belonging to a team will be voluntary and scoring will be based on a handicap system. The teams will not be based on club affiliation. Team members do not have to shoot together.  If you would like to be part of a team but are not able to put together your team, sign in on the PUT ME ON A TEAM sign in sheet and after week 2 you will be assigned to a team.

Shooter eligibility: Shooters do not have to be affiliated with a sporting club.Interested: If you are interested in shooting or have any questions contact Iroquois Rod and Gun Club. Although the shoots start weeks from now, the league is currently trying to determine the amount of participation interest, number of shooters, and what the shooters themselves, prefer. You may email membership.iroquois@gmail.com putting Lost Arrow in the subject line

Archery Targets

Crossbows are allowed on the practice range but not on the Lost Arrow outdoor course.

NO broadheads are allowed unless you bring your own targets.
